Public Notices & News

Traffic Update: James Street (portion) Now One Way

The Town wishes to advise the public that James Street (the lower section only, High Street to Church Street) is now one way travelling south towards Church Street. Vehicle traffic can not travel up the street to High Street. This change was for safety concerns travelling northward.

Town Grant Program 2025-26 - Submissions Deadline March 31

Grant Program for Community Organizations and Individuals
The Town of Pictou is currently accepting applications from organizations and individuals requesting financial assistance through the Municipal Grant Program for fiscal year 2025-26. Applications must be forwarded to the Community Development Officer no later than March 31, 2025. Any applications received after this deadline will only be considered if funding is still available.
Applications will be considered in accordance with the Grant Program Policy for the Town of Pictou. Grant categories include:
1. Youth travel
2. Community Programming
3. National/Provincial/or Local Event
4. Community Economic Development Initiative
The Grant Program Policy and Application Forms can be picked up at the Pictou Town Office, 40 Water St. or downloaded from the town website at Town Grant Program. Only grant requests completed on application forms will be considered.
All first-time applicants are encouraged to contact the Community Development Officer at 485-4372 x. 255 or email to discuss their proposal and receive assistance in completing the application form. Guidance will also be provided in identifying ineligible projects/expenses or referral to other grants programs. Organizations and individuals who have previously received funding from the Town of Pictou will also be required to fill out an application form to be considered for financial assistance.

Tender - Broidy Park Community Centre

The Town is now accepting tenders for the Broidy Park Community Centre.   Please note the deadline for submission has been changed to Tuesday, April 1, 2025 at 3:00 pm.  Click for further information 

Town of Pictou - Notice of Sale by Auction (Tax Sale) - March 27, 2025

As per Part VI of the Municipal Government Act (MGA) of Nova Scotia, the following property in the Town of Pictou will be sold for arrears of rates, taxes, interest and expenses by auction on March 27, 2025 at 2:00 pm in Council Chambers at 71 Front Street, unless amounts are paid before that date and time.  Any person wishing to bid must pre-register by contacting:

Phone:      902-485-4372
Email:        info@townofpictou 
