
In 2018, the province released the Government of Nova Scotia Accessibility Plan following the passing of the Accessibility Act the prior year. The Act recognizes accessibility as a human right and sets a goal of an accessible Nova Scotia by 2030. In Nova Scotia,1 in 5 people over the age of 15 identify as having a disability. The provincial Accessibility Plan provides a framework in removing barriers in the built environment, education, employment, transportation, information and communication, and the provision of goods and services.

It is now up to the Municipalities across the province to work together with government, businesses, non-profit, education, health, and individuals with disabilities and their caregivers towards an inclusive and equitable community. 

For more information on the Accessibility Act and advancing disability issues within government visit Accessibility Directorate.

Pictou Accessibility Advisory Committee

In 2020, the Town of Pictou formed an Accessibility Advisory Committee consisting of community members, staff and Council representatives. The Accessibility Advisory Committee is an advisory committee that provides advice to Council on identifying, preventing and eliminating barriers for people with disabilities in municipal programs, services, initiatives and facilities. This page is dedicated to providing up-to-date information on the activities of the Town of Pictou Accessibility Advisory Committee. 

One of the first priorities of the Committee was to develop a Municipal Accessibility Plan. This plan was developed in consultation with people with disabilities along with their families, organizations representing people with disabilities and community members. The plan outlines the following:

  • achievements to date in identifying, removing, and preventing barriers in policies, programs, practices, and services
  • how to identify, remove, and prevent barriers in policies, programs, practices, and services
  • to assess the effect of policies, programs, practices, and services on accessibility.  

To view, download or print the Town of Pictou's Accessibility Plan   pdf Click Here (408 KB)

Accessibility Advisory Committee Members 

Appointed Elected Officials

  • Councillor Dan Currie
  • Councillor Melinda MacKenzie

Members at Large

  • Stacey Munro
  • Dian Daye
  • 1 vacancy

Ex Officio Members 

  • Nicole MacDonald, Deputy Clerk – Accessibility Coordinator

Community Consultation

In developing the Accessibility Plan it was important to gain direct feedback from residents of the Town of Pictou on what we need to focus on. The Committee had consulted people who live, work, shop, eat, or play within the Town of Pictou to identify how easy or difficult it is to access and navigate services and other interests within our community. Information was gathered through three methods:

  • Interviews with people and service organizations
  • Community survey using various methods; paper copy, online & direct contact
  • Candid Access is an online platform to collect and share photos and information about the accessibility of our built environment

Community members are encouraged to contact the Town office and speak with staff or Council members on any ideas, resources or other contributions that would be of assistance in advancing the Town of Pictou’s Municipal Accessibility Plan.

CANdid Access Online Platform

The CANdid Access Online Platform is a way to collect and share photos and information about the accessibility of our built environment. It’s easy to use. It is a place where you can provide feedback on spaces that already has good access or places that may need further attention. Share helpful and useful information in a positive way to provide constructive feedback. Visit CANdid Access.