On The Move With Pictou Recreation and Parks
It is important to be active throughout your life & becoming active is easier than you think. Discover all the different ways to incorporate physical activity into your daily life in Pictou. It can be as easy as walking the dog, a snowshoe hike with your friends or taking your grandchild to the playground. Pictou Recreation and Parks provides recreation programming for all ages and interests, as well as leadership in organizing special community events that foster community pride.
- For more ideas on self-directed active living opportunities go to Go Play Self Directed Recreation
- For information on Pictou Fisheries Pool and programs go to Aquatics
Programs 2025
Following are the Winter Programs offered by Pictou Recreation and Parks. Pre-registration and payment for all programs are required. Some programs have limited space available in each session. Call for details at 485-4372.
Chair Yoga with Rachael MacLean (6 weeks)
Chair Yoga is an uplifting program for all ages and abilities. This class will invite you to connect with breath and movement to improve your range of motion, flexibility and strength. Held every Friday at the Pictou United Church Hall at 11:00 am. Cost: $52.50 for 6 weeks. Pre-registration is required, for further information or to register call 902-485-4372.
Yoga with Rachael MacLean (6 weeks)
Learn the fundamentals of yoga building strength, improve balance, increase flexibility, reduce stress and tension while building overall health. Held every Tuesday at 10 am at the Pictou United Church Hall. Cost: $52.50 for 6 weeks. Pre-registration is required, for further information or to register call 902-485-4372.
Walk and Roll (ongoing weekly)
A program designed for those with mobility challenges. We welcome people of all mobility levels - bring any walking aid that you require, such as canes or walkers. If you have a 4 wheeled walker, bring it with you! If you don’t have one, wheeled walkers available on site for you to try. When: Every Tuesday at 1:00 pm September to June, Pictou Legion. Free
Pickle Ball (Drop-in)
Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays at 6:30 pm September-June at McCulloch Education Centre. Please note: Program is cancelled when there is no school, holiday or inservices. Cost $3.00.
Adult Badminton (Drop-in)
Tuesdays at 6:30 pm September-June at McCulloch Education Centre and Thursdays at 7:00 pm Sept-June at the PA Gym . Join their Facebook page Pictou Badminton Club. Program is cancelled when there is no school, holiday or inservices. Cost $3.00.
Summer Day Camp Program
Registration Opens June 2025
Pictou Recreation and Parks offer day camps for children throughout July and August. Camps are open to children ages 5 to 11 years old. Campers must bring their own lunch, snacks, water and sun protection, including a hat and sunscreen. Comfortable walking shoes/sneakers are necessary. The day camps are held at Broidy Park, Monday through Friday with trip days being held on Thursdays. Drop off will be at Broidy Park at 9:00 am and pick-up will be at the Broidy Park at 4:00 pm, except for trip days when locations and times vary according to the individual trip. Registration fee includes day trip expenses. Please note that all camp programs are nut-free.
Full Program Details
Junior Leader Program
Are you a teen looking for valuable volunteer experience? Come and join the Pictou Recreation and Parks Junior Leader Program! We are committed to investing in our youth. Responsibilities include 1-day leadership training, supervising summer day camp participants ages 6-11 years and helping with the preparation of crafts and activities. Please call 485-4372 to register.
Equipment Loan Program
Pictou County offers a loan program for recreational equipment available by the various municipal units throughout the county. If there is a piece of equipment that you would enjoy, simply fill out the survey and the appropriate person will be in contact with you. Go to Go Play, Pictou County Equipment Loan Program to book your equipment today.
For a complete listing of equipment that Pictou Recreation and Parks download the pdf GO PLAY brochure (3.46 MB) .
Looking for ideas?
Types of equipment you can borrow include: a kit bag full of outdoor recreation equipment for entertaining family and friends, snow shoes, snow grips, kick sleds, snow making kit, skates, canoe, paddleboards, kayaks, bikes, snowshoes, nordic walking poles, sport wheelchairs, washer toss games, floor hockey equipment, tennis rackets, roller blades, flag football and baseball kit with bats, helmets, catchers equipment, and balls.
Discover our PLAY BOX, new in Veterans Drive Playground; a box of outdoor games and fun that you can use at your own leisure. Fun for families, friends and on your own!