Pictou Waterfront

Shaping the Future of the Pictou Waterfront

The Town of Pictou and Develop NS, along with consultants UPLAND Planning +Design have launched an exciting project to create a master plan for the Pictou Waterfront. The waterfront is a huge asset to the community and provides a space for residents and visitors to experience firsthand why Nova Scotia is considered “Canada’s Ocean Playground”.

Over the last few years, air and water quality have improved greatly in the area and the potential for the waterfront has never been greater. The Town is also investing in the waterfront with the expansion of the deCoste Performing Arts Centre and the new library addition, creating a cultural hub that will draw people from across the region. The Pictou Waterfront Master Plan will leverage the exciting work already taking place in the area to create a cohesive vision for the future of this incredible community asset. 

During 2021, the Town and UPLAND gathered public input into the plan. This community consultation looked at questions such as: What do you love about the existing waterfront? What would bring you there more often? What would you like to see on the waterfront? What kinds of activities would you like to be able to do there? The information was gathered through:

  • Small Group Resident Discussions
  • An Interactive Online Mapping Activity
  • In-Person Waterfront Engagements
  • Discussion with Local Businesses & Organizations 

What is a Waterfront Master Plan?

A Waterfront Master Plan is a document that lays out the vision for the future of the waterfront, including its physical design and the ways people can experience it. It sets out a vision and guiding principles that help to make thoughtful decisions about the development of the waterfront over the long-term.

The Plan is now complete, to view and download the full document visit pdf Pictou Waterfront Master Plan (58.29 MB) .

View a presentation made to Pictou Town Council on March 21, 2022 by UPLAND Planning and Design on the Waterfront Master Plan.

Supporting Documents and Information:

The following documents review the waterfront’s background and a summary of community feedback:

If you have any questions about the Pictou Waterfront Master Plan please contact Kyle Slaunwhite, CAO, Town of Pictou at kyle.slaunwhite@townofpictou.ca or by calling the office at (902) 485-4372.