Meeting dates may change due to special circumstances, please call the Town Hall at 902-485-4372 for more information regarding town meetings.

Meetings take place at Pictou Town Council Chambers located in the CN Station at 71 Front Street.

Meeting Schedule 2024-25

 Committee of CouncilRegular Council    Pictou Recreation and Parks
February 3rd 24th   


April  7th 22nd  




Regular Town Council Meetings

Meets on the third Monday of each month, in Council Chambers; except on holidays. In the event of a holiday, the meeting is usually rescheduled to the following Monday, but please visit the website for information on alternative dates/times.

Committee of Council Meetings

Meets on the first Monday of each month, except on holidays. In the event of a holiday, the meeting is usually rescheduled to the following Monday but please visit the Town's website for information on alternative dates/times.

Pictou Recreation and Parks Regular Meetings

Meets on the last Thursday of each month, except on holidays. In the event of a holiday, please visit the Town's website for information on alternative dates/times.

Meeting Minutes

Please note that minutes require approval of Council prior to public posting. Minutes are not approved until the next Regular Council Meeting.

Members of the public have asked for clarification on how Council and Council Committee meetings are convened and conducted. The following is intended to provide an outline of the procedures followed by the Town of Pictou.

Please visit the Town's website regularly for information on alternative dates and times.  Special Town Council Meetings are posted two days prior.

Access Council Meeting Minutes