Public Notices & News

Public Notice - Canadian Navigable Waters Act - Market Wharf

As part of the Town's requirements when conducting work that borders a Federal Harbour, the Town is posting notice regarding activities on navigable waters. Please see the below public notice. Stay tuned for more updates on the Market Wharf and Breakwater Project.

E 72 Public notice AFA Model 2023 03 15 5 57 09 PM

Town of Pictou Accessibility Plan

Pictou’s Accessibility Advisory Committee to Council has developed a plan in consultation with people with disabilities and their families, organizations representing people with disabilities and community members.  pdf Click here to view plan (408 KB)

Yorston Lot – Expropriation Documents

Below is a copy of the Expropriation Documents regarding the Pictou Waterfront Development Project. 

pdf Expropriation 24.05.22.pdf (1.16 MB)

Town of Pictou Begins Project to Develop Waterfront Plan

Pictou, NS - The Town of Pictou, in partnership with Develop Nova Scotia, is excited to launch an exciting new initiative to develop a Waterfront Master Plan for the Town of Pictou. The Waterfront Master Plan will position the waterfront as the prime destination for residents, visitors, and businesses, and will work to tie ongoing initiatives along the waterfront together.

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