Public Notices & News

Nova Scotia Utility and Review Board - Approved new rates for Town of Pictou

NSUABR – Water Rate Decision

The Nova Scotia Utility and Review Board (NSUARB) has approved new water rates that will be effective July 1, 2024:

For a 5/8” meter, residential customer, the average current quarterly water bill is $144.97, and it will increase to $163.54 (12.8% increase) in 2024/25; $177.07 (8.3% increase) in 2025/26; and $178.19 (0.6% increase) in 2026/27. The base charge is decreasing and the consumption charge is increasing. A full list of the rates is here.

How we got here:

The water utility had a $110k deficit during the year ending Mar 2023. Inflation had been higher than anticipated since the last rate study in 2021. As well, the construction costs to replace old water mains has increased significantly in the past year or two. The average age of the water mains is 70 to 80 years old, the utility is investing each year to replace sections of water mains that are failing and leaking.

The utility hired GA Isenor Consulting Ltd to conduct a water rate study that would determine what water rates would be needed to cover costs over the next 3 years. The rate study was presented to Council on Dec 4, 2023 and Council agreed to apply to the NSUARB for a rate increase.

The was a public hearing held in the Council chambers by the NSUARB on Apr 3rd. The hearing was advertised on the Town’s website, social media, and in the Pictou Advocate beginning January 2023 through to the public hearing this past spring. The NSUARB then reviewed all the evidence and determined that the rate increase was reasonable. Their decision was made on Jun 26th. The rates will be effective July 1st and customers will see the new rate on their bill issued in October.

 The Nova Scotia Utility and Review Board (NSUARB) has approved new water rates that will be effective July 1, 2024:

RATES: (a) Base Charges Quarterly Unmetered
$244.28 (assuming 272 cubic meters per year).
Size of Meter 5/8" $79.54
3/4" $118.09
1" $195.19
1.5" $387.93
2" $619.22
3" $1,235.99
4" $1,929.86
6" $3,857.27
(b) Consumption Rate $ 2.42 per Cubic Meter

Pictou County Transit - New Service for Pictou beginning June 17

Pictou County Transit will be begin servicing the Town of Pictou on June 17th. There will be three designated bus stops within the Town of Pictou at the following locations:

1. Veterans Drive, beside Dollarama
2. Corner of Market Street and Water Street
3. Corner of Union and Denoon Street

Service runs 7:00am - 6:00pm, 4 trips per day. The cost is $3 single fare. $7.50 full day pass. Monthly passes $70/adults, $60/seniors and students, $40/youth (5–13). Children under 5 ride FREE. 

For the full schedule visit  pdf Pictou County Transit - Feeder Loop (132 KB)

For more details on Pictou County Transit visit their website at


Announcement: Clean Foundation teams up with Town of Pictou

Clean Foundation is excited to welcome the Town of Pictou as one of the 19 communities being supported through the Community Climate Capacity (CCC) program. The CCC program is funded by the Nova Scotia Department of Environment and Climate Change (DECC) and was created to build capacity and empower Nova Scotian communities to become more resilient to the effects of climate change.
Clean will provide staffing support in the form of a climate lead, and a team of specialists with expertise in planning, mitigation, adaptation and funding who will help guide the Town of Pictou with identifying and working towards their local climate and sustainability goals over the next three years. Through this program, the Town of Pictou will use climate projections in waterfront planning; create green jobs; work with neighbouring municipalities on climate action projects.
Find the program's press release here: Press Release: More Provincial Support for Community Climate Priorities

Expression of Interest - CN Station, 71 Front Street

The Town of Pictou is hereby inviting interested companies or individuals to submit an “Expression of Interest” for a portion of the ground floor space at the former CNR Station, 71 Front Street. The CNR Station is located on the Pictou Waterfront in the downtown district, just minutes from restaurants, attractions and shopping.
Submissions - rent is negotiable, full details are found on the link below. Sealed proposals will be received by 4:00 pm local time on Monday, June 3, 2024.
Facsimile or electronic submissions will not be considered. The Town of Pictou reserves the right to reject any or all Proposals or to accept the Proposal which it deems to be in the best interests of the Town of Pictou.

CN Station - 71 Front Street,  pdf view full details (198 KB)