Tax Rates

Tax bills are issued twice a year.  The interim levy is issued in April, due in June. This levy is your current assessment with the previous year’s rates, multiplied by 50%, as Council has not yet set the current rates.   The Final levy is issued in August, due in October.  This levy is for the entire year, less the interim levy and reflects any changes Council may have made to the rates.  Our property taxation year is April 1–March 31.

Low-income residents can apply for a  Property Tax Exemption.

Approved Taxes and Rates for 2024/2025


Tax CategoryDescriptionTax Rates (per $100 of assessed value
Residential   $1.69
Commercial Regular $4.34
Resource   $1.69
Hydrant Charge (All Properties)   $0.154
Deed Transfer Tax   1%

Water Rates

Water is billed quarterly as follows:  January–March levy issued in April, due in May; April–June levy issued in July, due in August; July–September levy issued in October, due in November; and October-December levy issued in January, due in February. 

Nova Scotia Utility and Review Board Approved Water Rates for the Town of Pictou - Effective July 1, 2024

The rates set out below are approved by the Board for water and water services when payment is made within 30 days from the date rendered as shown on the bill.

When payment is made after 30 days from the date shown on the bill, the rates will include interest charges of 1.5 % per month, or part thereof.

Each bill shows the amount payable within 30 days from the date rendered as shown on the bill.

(a) Base Charges Quarterly

Unmetered $244.28
(assuming 272 cubic meters per year)

Size of Meter

⅝" $79.54
¾" $118.09
1" $195.19
1.5" $387.93
2" $619.22
3" $1,235.99
4" $1,929.86
6" $3,857.27

(b) Consumption Rate (per cubic meter) $2.42 per Cubic Meter

(c) Minimum Bill
The minimum bill is the Base Charge