
Helpful Water Conservation Tips

There are a few simple things you can do at home to ease the burden on your local water supply and save money in the process.

  1. Turn off the faucet while brushing your teeth.
  2. Only run the washing machine and dishwasher when you have a full load.
  3. Use a low-flow showerhead and faucet aerators.
  4. Fix leaks.
  5. Install a dual flush or low flow toilet or put a conversion kit on your existing toilet.
  6. Don’t overwater your lawn or water during peak periods.
  7. Install a rain barrel for outdoor watering.
  8. Plant a rain garden for catching stormwater runoff from your roof, driveway, and other hard surfaces.
  9. Monitor your water usage on your water bill.
  10. Share your knowledge about saving water through conservation and efficiency with your neighbours.

These water-saving measures can have a big impact on water demand in our community. While saving money, you also have the opportunity to get involved in your local community, protect the water in your local waterways so you can continue to enjoy their recreational benefits, and get to know your home and family with a few do-it-yourself projects.

Request Connection or Disconnection of Water Service

Contact the Town Office to request a service turn on or shut off at 902-485-4372. Please note, there is a fee associated with turning your water off and on. Also, you should make sure you do not bury your curb stop as the Town will need to access it. If you do bury it, the Town will be required to dig up whatever is covering it (flower bed, asphalt, etc) and will not reinstate it.


In June 2011, the Province of Nova Scotia passed the Energy Saving Roadway Lighting Act which was an amendment to the Energy Efficient Appliances Act (1991). The legislation pertained to the regulation of street lighting infrastructure within the Province of Nova Scotia and is intended to ensure the use of energy efficient streetlights throughout the Province. 

In 2015 the Town of Pictou entered into a contract to replace approximately 525 streetlights with Light Emitting Diode (LED) fixtures in accordance with the Energy Efficiency Appliances Act 2011. This represented 100 percent of street lights that were currently leased from Nova Scotia Power. With this contract, the Town assumed full ownership of streetlights and is responsible for the repairs and maintenance of the infrastructure.

 What to do if a street light is not working:

  • Contact the Town of Pictou at 902-485-4372 or to report the non-working streetlight (having the pole number or closest civic address/location description is helpful)
  • The Town will take your information and determine if it is a town-owned streetlight or if it is maintained by Nova Scotia Power.
  • If it is owned by the Town of Pictou, its contractors will be notified and a repair request will be submitted. Repair time depends on availability of contractors and the availability of equipment.
  • If it is maintained by Nova Scotia Power, the homeowner will be asked to contact NSP directly.  

Solid Waste & Recycling

The Town of Pictou is partnered with the Pictou County Shared Services Authority for solid waste management services. Regular recycling and garbage collection day is every second Wednesday. 

Want to know how to recycle or dispose of an item? Want to know when your next collection day is? Visit or download Pictou County Solid Waste APP

Resources Page

Stay tuned for details on this year's Town of Pictou Spring Cleanup and the Pictou County Waste Management Spring Cleanup and special events!