The Town of Pictou is encouraging citizens and Jitney Trail users to provide feedback on amendments to the Off Highway Vehicle (OHV) By-Law to allow motorized use of the Jitney Trail into the Pictou Waterfront. At present the OHV By-Law permits motorized use from the Gut Bridge (Lyons Brook) to Brown’s Point Road. OHV use is not permitted beyond this point to the Pictou Waterfront unless it is for an approved event.
The Town is now considering a change to the By-Law and would like to review options to extend types of use to others such as ATV’s, snowmobiles and side by sides.
There are two different considerations for this review:
1. Designating Weaver Road, so that OHVs can travel from the Jitney Trail to Weaver Road to access fueling stations.
2. Designating Jitney Trail to access downtown.
This By-Law review has been identified as a result of citizen and user inquiries and the Provincial Road Trails Act that allows municipalities to designate streets and paths for connectivity purposes.
Community feedback is important in this decision as it will guide future trail use for all. The Town appreciates all input and your time in guiding this process. Feedback maybe submitted until February 27, 2025 by 12:00pm.
There are two ways to submit feedback.
1. Complete an online feedback survey, visit this link:
2. Submit feedback by email to:
To read the current OHV By-Law please visit the Town of Pictou website at: